Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Believer’s Dilemma

 by Marty Smith

For decades I have avoided political discussions as a follower of Christ, believing they distract from the gospel and the mission God has for us. Historically, the differences between political parties seemed relatively minor from a biblical perspective, making this path fairly easy to follow. The one exception, of course, would be the issue of abortion after the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973. But things took a drastic turn leading up to the 2020 election when many of the country’s leaders moved largely toward far-left policies. This shift made it impossible for me to avoid taking a stand against government positions that clearly contradict God’s Word. 

During this period, though, it was astonishing to me that several of my Christian friends ignored these obvious developments. Worse, they appeared to be swayed by dangerous leftist narratives that conflicted with Scripture. Their disdain for Donald Trump and his behavior seemed to give way to the support of left-leaning philosophy despite the clear contradiction with biblical teaching. 

As the 2020 election approached, I heard numerous charges against Trump including immorality, dishonesty, narcissism and divisiveness from several pastors and church leaders. It would be difficult to disagree. Later, there was a palpable sense of relief when Joe Biden was elected. Many adopted an ‘anyone but Trump’ perspective or believed Biden was a man of faith, high character and sound principles. But an honest review of Joe Biden’s history would show otherwise.¹ 

From a biblical perspective, both men seemed to be on a path of destruction as John Piper pointed out at the time.² Wayne Grudem, in his pre-election article³, argued that a Christian's choice should be based more on an individual's policies and their alignment with biblical principles rather than personal character. And if character was to be the singular measure, it would be an arduous challenge to judge one of these men as the clear winner.

Some Christians treated the election decision in a cavalier fashion, as if their vote didn’t really matter because God would control the outcome. God is certainly sovereign over all things including elections. But I don’t believe this absolves us of responsibility. Christians should recognize the weight of their votes that in turn influence policies and outcomes. It seems only reasonable that we would be accountable for the decisions we make and the leaders we support. 

Almost four years later, the initial celebration of Biden's election and Trump's departure by left-leaning Christians has presented an interesting dynamic. With a new election approaching and Biden not running for re-election, the policies of the past three and a half years are likely to persist and worsen without a change in direction and leadership. Will they double-down on their support? Or will they do what they said they will never do: vote for Donald Trump? 

I wonder if these Christians are proud of the leadership they supported. What honesty, transparency, and character would they celebrate? Which policies and actions would they defend as biblically aligned? What unifying leadership would they contend has helped reduce the division and polarization in our country? What influence and laws have they pursued to protect and benefit the population, particularly the millions of vulnerable children in this country? 

The moral decline often portrayed as progressive and compassionate by the world, is deeply troubling to mature followers of Christ. Under the guise of "awakening" to a supposed truth, many have been led astray from the gospel and biblical truth. Consequently, some churches have become more focused on social justice, sexism, economic philosophies, and LGBTQ acceptance, believing that these activities reflect love and compassion. But a close examination of left-leaning leaders and their platforms prior to the last election made it clear that love and compassion was never the objective. Satan is very clever in disguising his purposes. 

So, what have we actually experienced under the Biden administration that many professing believers so willingly supported? Let’s take stock of recently accelerated trends: 

• Destruction of the Family—The nuclear family has been under attack like never before. Organizations such as Black Lives Matter (BLM), scores of school districts and LGBTQ related groups have actively worked for the destruction of biblical definitions of male and female as well as the institution of marriage—all of which have been supported directly or indirectly by the radical left and our current government. One recent example is a bill signed into law by Governor Newsom in California that forbids school district teachers and leaders from notifying parents regarding children who want to identify as a different gender. 

• Destruction of Biblical Influence—The front line of the anti-God agenda in the West is being waged through a number of LGBTQ movements fully supported by the Biden administration. The movement to secularize society is being driven by overturning cultural and biblical norms concerning faith-based ideology, gender, sexuality and marriage. Christianity is increasingly being viewed as conflicting with healthy public policy. Same-sex recognition is being pushed by every corner of the government, military and public agencies. And the astounding part of this story is that many professing Christians are buying into the movement in certain ways. Some Christian leaders are now recognizing the identity of same-sex attracted individuals as if to say this sin pattern is immutable and part of a person’s identity. But our identity as Christians is in Christ alone along with the power to change, regardless of our sinful tendencies. 

• Binary Gender to Gender Fluidity—Traditional, biblically defined gender roles are being replaced with fluid concepts of gender. Options of all kinds are being recognized. Much worse is that leaders within the Biden administration, e.g. Dr. Rachel Levine, are pushing zero age limits for children to decide their gender, along with any surgical or other transitional treatments they may want to pursue. These children cannot drink alcohol, drive a car, vote or carry a weapon, but these leaders say they should be able to make irreversible decisions about their gender as a minor. 

• Redefinition of Marriage—God created one man and one woman for holy matrimony which is foundational to societal stability and moral order. However, same-sex marriages have now been codified as the law of the land in this country. More drifting into the abyss is coming. There is already pressure to normalize perversions such as adult-child sexual relationships along with a variety of newly identified genders. Almost any imaginable union will easily become law under a leftist government. Left unchecked pedophilia, for example, will not only become acceptable, but it will be celebrated as the newest form of love and marriage. Child porn will no longer be illegal. 

• Biblical Justice to Critical Race Theory (CRT) —The biblical structure of justice is being supplanted by CRT that pushes systemic oppression and racial categorization. Scripture teaches that our identity is found in Christ, not in our skin color or ethnicity. We are united under the gospel as one body in Christ, transcending all racial and ethnic divisions. But under CRT ideology, a person’s identity is viewed through the lens of skin color and victimization that in turn promotes division, resentment, and in reality—racism. Amazingly, some Christian leaders have voiced support for this largely Marxist based ideology. In truth, this belief system must be rejected to “uphold the biblical principle that we are all equal before God, striving for true justice and reconciliation through the Gospel’s transformative power.” (Dr. Joseph Mattera) 

• Killing the Unborn, Including Late Term Abortions—While liberals argue that this is untrue, data shows that 10,000 babies’ lives are lost every year through late term abortions. 66 million total unborn have been taken and counting. This has long been supported prior to the current administration, and it will continue to drive the liberal agenda despite the fact that God created and knows each and every little one within the womb. (Jeremiah 1:5) The Biden administration outwardly supports complete and full “freedom for a woman to choose.” How are we not complicit in this evil when voting for left-leaning leaders?

• Indoctrination of Children through Community Events and Education—The most egregious and Godless influences from the radical left led by this administration is the methodical indoctrination of children toward sinful beliefs and actions. Special emphasis has been placed on events that condition children to see transgenderism, same-sex attraction and underage sexual experiences as good and fulfilling. But instead, it is the path to spiritual destruction. Events and celebrations such as Pride Month, Transgender Day of Visibility, National Coming Out Day, LGBTQ History Month, Transgender Awareness Week, and drag queen story events are being propagated across the nation to help reshape young minds against the Word of God and toward sinful perversions. Many and most of these are supported and funded by Democratic leaders. CRT related themes are being taught in school districts and colleges across the country that work to destroy meritocracy and elevate victimocracy. 

Matthew 18:6 …but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

Even sinful teachings such as racism and murderous terror have been defended as just and appropriate when it comes to certain people groups—in the most recent case, the Jewish community. All of it is supported by numerous leaders within the Democratic Party, and by default, Christians who vote for these individuals support this movement as well.

God’s Word teaches us to be alert to worldly philosophies masquerading as truth. We are called to expose them and the sin that follows. Paul says in Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” 

Satan is a master at making certain of these perspectives appear to be compassionate and just. As such, it is all the more vital that Christian leaders be willing to clearly and unapologetically call out sinfulness. Without bold, spiritual leadership, many more will be led into destruction. 

All said despite these truths, without God’s direct intervention it seems likely that these liberal candidates will amazingly win again in November. Even more amazing is that many professing Christians will vote to support them. Whatever the outcome, though, God’s purposes will play out exactly as He has planned. But as part of this heavenly process, my prayer is that every believer will avoid human reasoning or emotion and wholly submit to the direction of the Holy Spirit. 

Come Lord Jesus! 

¹Joe Biden’s Character Problem – WSJ – The Wall Street Journal ; Washington Post Fact-Checker Gives Up on Recording Biden’s Lies – Yahoo ; John MacArthur on Biden, Trump, Immorality and the Church, The Christian Post; Anti-Christian bias in the Biden White House 

²”I will not develop some calculus to determine which path of destruction I will support” John Piper on the 2020 presidential election

³Letter to an Anti-Trump Christian Friend – Townhall, by Wayne Grudem; A response to my friend John Piper about voting for Trump; Pastor John Piper and the 2020 elections: A respectful response; by Michael Brown, The Christian Post

Monday, May 16, 2022

The Church Divided: Questions for Progressive Christian Liberals

By Marty Smith

For as many years as I can remember, it was easy to separate and avoid politics from Christian ministry. The presence of politically driven issues has always been present to some degree, but they always seemed to be a distraction from the true mission of the church—making disciples who in turn make disciples. And any commingling of political and spiritual discussion easily could devolve into cultural disagreements not helpful to making disciples.

That all changed with the George Floyd murder, BLM, COVID and a host of changes in the political landscape that have never happened before in this country. Before anyone realized it was happening, many evangelical churches were drawn into the social justice arena like never before. Systemic racism was the evil, and the Church had been weak in its stand against injustices suffered by the African American community, or worse, a silent or even active participant in this racism. At the same time, an upcoming election was on the horizon that would be Donald Trump’s re-election bid. Christians began dividing between those who thought President Trump was almost messianic and those who thought he was an evil man on the path to destruction and had to be removed. He was a racist, an adulterer, a liar—and so on.

Many Christian leaders and churches became party to the belief that systemic racism was widespread. They didn’t really know much about the BLM organization, but they concurred with the phrase "black lives matter." Donald Trump was a supposed narcissist who struggled with the truth, and although they previously had avoided political discourse, they were now willing to criticize the president and push political solutions.

Then, the 2020 election happened. It is at this critical juncture that I came to a pivot point. It seemed to me that when it comes to spiritual things, both Trump and Biden were personally on a path to destruction, as John Piper wrote in his opinion prior to the election—but with very different convictions and policies. And while past differences between the Democratic and Republican Parties seemed relatively small, this made them seismic, and deserving of a much a closer look by the Church. 

The tension between many Christians grew enormously. For those considered mature in their faith, I thought it would be obvious that the policies of conservatives would be viewed as more aligned with biblical teaching. The personal beliefs and behaviors of the candidates should become a secondary consideration since the long-term effects after he or she is out of office must be considered, like possible Supreme Court Justice appointments.

Strangely, many believers I considered spiritually mature did not think this way. Many were supportive of the liberal candidate with little thought of the consequences of his policies. From my discussions with several of these folks, their decision had more to do with a disdain for the behavior and rhetoric of Donald Trump rather than support for Joe Biden. In truth, I completely understand some of these sentiments. President Trump’s comments and self-adulation were oftentimes over the top for me as well.  But what should guide me in my decision? Since both candidates were deeply flawed, who should I choose? From there it became clear to me that the policies and convictions of the individual and his Party platform in relation to Scripture was the appropriate determinant. Thus the answer quickly became obvious.

However, what seemed so clear to me was not clear to some of my spiritually mature friends. As a result, a fracture of sorts occurred. The Gospel is still primary in our beliefs, love and unity among the brethren still essential, but there is an uneasiness with those who have supported what I consider to be the most radical governance in history. It is understandable to me that young and immature believers might come from a background of leftist thinking, and may continue to hold those beliefs, but I cannot get my head wrapped around believers who know the truth and yet do not hold to biblical positions on things like the status of the unborn, gender design, parental responsibility, sexual purity, and racial inequality. How does anyone professing a devotion to Christ glaringly ignore parts of Scripture they just don’t like or want to follow?

So, rather than making a case for the policies on the right that are more biblically aligned that I could discuss ad nauseam, I thought it better to provide a list of questions for my left-leaning Christian brothers and sisters for the purpose of seeking to understand. Maybe it is I who needs to see things differently. That is perfectly ok—and is, by the way, my frequent prayer.

  • What is your biblical support for teaching racism and the elimination of meritocracy to children in our schools through Critical Race Theory (CRT)?
  • What is your biblical support for sexualizing children as young as three years old?
  • What is your biblical support for leading children to believe they can be a different gender than the one God created them to be?
  • What is your biblical support for allowing young children to have medical procedures to become a different gender without their parent’s knowledge or consent?
  • What is your biblical support for teachers who believe that our children are theirs while in the classroom, and not their parents?
  • What is your biblical support for the Equality Act that increases the rights of LGBTQ+ persons to the point that it reduces religious freedoms?
  • What is your biblical support for endorsing the killing of over 60 million unborn children up to and even beyond the day of birth?
  • What is your biblical support for same sex marriage?
  • What is your biblical support for not following the laws of the nation when it comes to legal immigration?
  • What beliefs or policies of conservatives do you think contradict biblical commands?

So, there it is—the sad divisions between Christians that feels like an abyss. Unfortunately, some believe that government is the solution to the problems of mankind, but this is a most destructive lie. Christ alone is the answer in every scenario of life and government. 

At the end of the day, though, I am still greatly encouraged because God alone is in control. All of the chaos and evil in this world will come to an end in His timing and for His glory. What a glorious thing it is to be in Christ, no matter what happens on earth.